Nov 3, 2016

relaxing-1979674_640It is apparent that the winter season has officially arrived when the temperatures drop and it takes a little more time to warm the car in the mornings. Many families prepare for the season by going coat shopping, winter-proofing their homes, and pulling their sweaters out of storage. For singles, the preparations might involve a few extra blankets and a Netflix subscription. Although the weather change requires certain preparations, cold weather doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone is forced to stay in. In fact, there are plenty of fun outdoor activities near Ardmore, Pennsylvania.

1. Say Hello to Santa

There is no better way to celebrate the season than a visit with Santa. The Ardmore fire company hosts an annual tree lighting each year. This year’s event will take place on Saturday, November 26th from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Guests can expect an assortment of smiles, holiday cheer, arts and crafts, and entertainment all within the Suburban Square courtyard at Anderson and Coulter Avenue.

2. Shopping for Unique

For those seeking unique items to decorate their homes or one of a kind gifts, the award-winning Clover Market is a top choice. Each year, the market hosts incredible events where authentic vendors can present merchandise. Visitors can find a large variety of cool items like creative art, handmade jewelry, distinctive clothing, and home décor. They can also enjoy a few fun activities for the kids. The winter market takes place in January at the 23rd Street Armory. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

3. Something Brew

What better way to warm those cold toes and fingers than beer? The Winter Beer fest happens each year just in time. On November 26, those with an acquired taste for bubbly beverages can enjoy a wide assortment of cold brews for under $50. There’s also huge assortment of food and gift items available during two session from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 to 9 p.m. Last year’s list included Weyenbacher, Forgotten Boardwalk brewing, and Susquehanna brewing.

4. The Scenic Route

Valley Forge National Historic Park is another great way to kick off the season. Those who love the outdoors can enjoy over 60 miles of terrain fit for bike riding or casual strolls. They can also learn a little history while they are there. One of the parks most memorable events during the winter is the March in of the Continental Army that takes place on December 19. This occasion is marked by a night time camp simulation and a visit by General Washington. The Park is conveniently accessible from I-75 or I-95.

Whether visiting the Ardmore area or making long-term relocation plans this winter, everyone can find a reason to get out and enjoy the season. Singles can take a long walk at the historic park nearby or taste test various brews of beer at the Winter Beer Fest. Families can browse unique offerings or take photos with Santa Claus. The list continues. There is always something to do in this town and winter is just the right time to put on a coat, boots and a scarf and head outdoors.

Image via pixabay