Jul 12, 2012

If you think that coupons are just for grocery shopping and the department store, think again. You can find great coupon discounts at your local car dealership, too! Don’t believe me? – a quick visit to your dealer’s website or brief phone call to the service department will easily let you know if they are currently offering any coupons or deals on maintenance or repairs.

Find out what papers your dealership advertising in, and check them sporadically for discounts, or ask if they have an email list that you can sign up for. Also, it never hurts to ask if your dealer will honor a competitor’s coupon – and if so, take advantage of it! If you’re able to apply a coupon when your car needs an oil change or a tire rotation, you’ll be amazed at how those saved dollars pile up. Dealers appreciate smart, loyal customers – so ask if they provide loyal user discounts, too! Then, use that saved cash to treat your car to a car wash or some fuzzy dice.