Jun 14, 2012

We all know that our car’s mirrors allow us see around blind spots, and serve to keep us safe when we are driving. Given their position on our vehicles, mirrors are particularly vulnerable to minor accidents and scraps as we navigate our way through the world. Perhaps, you’ve even had a time when you returned to your car to find that your mirror was broken or damaged. If so, put that duct tape away, and head on over to your dealer. Your dealer will be able to order a replacement mirror, and will also be able to install it as per the factory specs.

Having a proper, functioning mirror will protect you and your car, and will also prevent moisture from getting inside of the door. Driving with a damaged mirror could lead to more problems, such as inspection failure, or even worse it could fall off, and hit another vehicle at high speed. Don’t engage in risky behavior, instead, contact your dealer and have them fix your damaged mirrors today!