May 26, 2011

"Memorial Day is a day for remembering those who have laid their lives in the nation's service. Memorial Day has also become a popular time for Family Reunions and Get Togethers as it is preceded by a weekend. Here are some ways to celebrate the patriotic spirit of this day

1. Donate to families of soldiers who are wounded or have lost their lives.

2. Observe the National Moment of Remembrance. The Moment occurs on Memorial Day, 3 P.M., local time, for 1 minute. You can choose to observe this moment in any way you like. It is the sentiment that counts.

3. Visit a gravesite and offer flowers to those U.S. Troops who have died in the nation's service.

4. Plan a family reunion or Get Together. It may be as simple and informal as a backyard barbecue.

5. Plan a family picnic. Get kids to help with preparing picnic food. This is also a wonderful way to enjoy the summer season…" To read more from this article click here!

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